Make Sure Your Pallet Planters are Safe

April 1, 2016 | ProgressTH The idea of using wooden shipping pallets for various projects has been around for a while. It has gone from a novelty to a regularly used means of sourcing local building material for everything from furniture to raised bed gardens.

But like everything else, it is not as simple as just getting some pallets and nailing them together. Depending on the manufacturer, pallets may be heat treated (stamped with HT) which is safe, or fumigated with methyl bromide (stamped with MB) which is not. On a growing number of pallets, manufacturers are voluntarily stamping just which process was used. But to be on the safe side, or in case your pallets have no stamp at all, try to contact the manufacturer and get an answer straight from them.’s article DIY: How to tell if a pallet is safe to re-use gives some additional information about this, as does this Instructable titled How to determine if a wood pallet is safe for use.

Once you have a safe source of pallet wood secured, you’re ready to do some projects. For our own rooftop smart-garden project, we’ve decided to do raised beds like these featured in an episode by Frugal Farmers.

It’s a simple, flexible design. While the sensors we use will be high-tech, it will be essential to have a solid, basic organic garden to start with.

What would you do with a stack of pallets? Check out some of the other images we've found from around the web for some inspiration.

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