October 12, 2014 Thailand is no stranger to local businesses
and homemade cottage industries, but how can Thais leverage modern
manufacturing technology like 3D printing and CNC to take things to the
next level?
Here are some examples of how personal manufacturing is empowering small business owners and individuals in realizing their ideas and improving their lives and prospects in the process.
via BIT Magazine Personal manufacturing technology like 3D printing at home has gone from
an eccentric hobby, to a widespread curiosity, to finally fulfilling
the promise of affordable desktop personal manufacturing. While some
critics continue to hold out against the promise of affordable personal
manufacturing and the paradigm shift it represents, others have pressed
forward with their projects and vision to prove that it is not only here
to stay, but is indeed more than ready to put the power of
manufacturing directly into the hands of individuals.
Called mc squares,
this modular whiteboard office system was launched on Kickstarter,
featuring a whiteboard that could be broken down into smaller pieces,
distributed to a room full of coworkers to collect their ideas, then
reassembled on the wall to further the collaborative process. While the
idea seems simple, prototyping, testing and determining the final
configuration for potential investors and customers alike is a
challenging task.
Producing something that looks and feels
professional was always the exclusive realm of capital-intensive
start-ups. You would have to almost be rich to begin with in order to
start a new business or produce a new product. But the makers of mc
squares leveraged 3D printing to give them an edge and make what may
have been a fleeting idea into a tangible business model.
In a Make article titled "mc squares : Why We Dumped A Commercial Resin Printer For A Hobbyist FDM Printer On Our Prototypes,"
Anthony Franco guides readers through the journey he and his team
embarked on in creating mc squares. They initially believed like many
others do, that prototyping and manufacturing had to be done with
high-end, professional and incredibly expensive tools. In the end, they
found themselves using a hobbyist 3D printer, pushing through the
prototyping phase and ending up with a successful end product.
3D printing will not at the moment allow mc squares to go into mass
production, but then again, 3D printers are more or less one-off or
small run production platforms. They are perfect for personal
manufacturing because they can produce exactly what you personally need
on demand. The designs fabricated on 3D printers, however, can be used
to create resin or even metal molds and then they can be mass produced,
leaving the 3D printer free to create its next prototype, spare part or
personal item.
Online tech review and maker news site Tested provided a video on making resin casts from 3D printed items,
showing how easy the process is and giving viewers an idea of how 3D
printers can be used to create one off items that can then be easily
mass reproduced by other means.
Microfactories and the Power of Small Scale Production
As access to 3D printing increases alongside the printers' ability to
fabricate an increasing number of objects with an increasing number of
materials and characteristics, so too will the number of industries that
are disrupted by this paradigm-shifting technology. We can imagine a
future where people are as literate in design and personal manufacturing
as they are now in IT and personal computing. In such a future, it
would be inconceivable to drive for 20-30 minutes, wasting fuel and
walking about a retail store looking for the closest approximation of
something you need when you could just as easily print out exactly what
you want on your desktop.
What little we do need to purchase in such a future will most likely
come from microfactories leveraging personal manufacturing technology to
create quick, flexible designs on a small, localized scale to suite a
very specific market. Larger corporations have struggled with varying
degrees of success to do likewise, to produce a increasingly larger
number of options for increasingly particular customers, on a global
scale. The problem simply is that small local teams of entrepreneurs
have and will continue to outmaneuver larger businesses toward this end.
Microfactories and small-scale production are already working their way into some surprising industries. One such industry is auto manufacturing.
Local Motors publishes open source designs for their vehicles to either
be made by customers from scratch, built from kits provided by Local
Motors, or manufactured in one of several microfactories they have built around the continental United States. More recently they have begun experimenting with 3D printing
components for automobiles. Such advances may mean even something as
big as a car may one day transcend the boundaries of even microfactories
and enter the realm of personal manufacturing.
In another example, CW&T, a two-person design company that makes
small short-run projects, recently took its first forays into
manufacturing. After successfully designing, manufacturing and selling
over 6,000 pens, it embarked on designing, building and selling a kickscooter.
Something like a kickscooter requires precision machining, custom
fabricated parts, and a means of fabrication that can handle this and do
so for a desired number scooters intended for sale. In the past, it
would be difficult to find a factory willing to make only 50 products
for any reasonable price. But with computer numeric controlled (CNC)
machining (the big-brother of 3D printing) such a feat is now possible
allowing CW&T to test the waters without making a deep, risky and
perhaps unsustainable investment for an unreasonable amount of products.
Another novel aspect of CW&T's kickscooter project as well
as mc squares' was the means by which they were financed. Instead of
approaching a single investor or handful of investors, or riskier still,
taking out a loan, both projects were crowdfunded in yet another step
away from traditional business and manufacturing and toward a future of
localized microfactories and personal manufacturing.
The Storefront of Tomorrow
small design companies like CW&T, personal manufacturing allows
them to focus on a variety of diverse projects that can quickly change
with demand, rather than struggle marketing a single product or product
line for years in spite of demand. Because of increased accessibility to
manufacturing technology, a growing number of design houses are rising
worldwide and meeting niche markets the way monolithic, traditional
businesses cannot. Eventually a tipping point will be reached where
"boutique" products driven by personal manufacturing technology will
replace big brand names just as big brand names themselves displaced
local artisans during the Industrial Revolution.
The storefront of tomorrow will be either outside our own door operated
by our neighbors, friends, family or other members of our immediate
community, or on our own desktops. Just as we have gone from a society
of media content consumers to a society of media content producers, the
same is already happening within many industries. The age of passive
consumerism is waning, the age of personal manufacturing and a society
of producers, makers and personal manufacturers is surging.
For those wondering how they can benefit from this surge, people with
ideas often turn up at their local makerspaces where they can either
rent or use for free 3D printers, CNC machining equipment and other
means of fabrication. From there they and their friends begin
cultivating individual products for sale or even create small
independent design houses like CW&T. Because of the vast diversity
of makerspaces they are able to sustain themselves through classes,
workshops and memberships even if they are not turning out successful
small business projects. In this way too, this new emerging paradigm
takes the pressure, risk and pitfalls out of business development and
makes it a far more accessible and approachable (and enjoyable)
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